The automotive pneumatic seat system adds a pneumatic device in the seat, the air pressure is provided by the air pump in the engine compartment, and[......]
Automotive seat climatization is a system where a vehicle seat cools down or warms up by blowing cool or warm air over the surface of the vehicle seat[......]
Increasing requirement for automotive vehicles in different end-use industries is expected to drive the automotive steel casting market. In automotive[......]
Over the past decade, advancements in the all-wheel drive (AWD) vehicle market have largely focused on improving off-road and cold-weather vehicle cap[......]
The battery housing is a key component of the modern EV as it contains all the energy for propulsion, protects the batteries from the environment and[......]
Computer aided engineering (CAE) is simulation process where vehicle systems are tested using simulation software. Vehicle systems include crash test,[......]
Car leasing refers to the business method in which the leasing operator delivers the leased cars (including trucks and passenger cars) to the lessee w[......]
Automotive braking components are integral parts of a vehicle safety system. Automotive braking components such as brake disc, calipers, and disc roto[......]