3-Chloroaniline Hydrochloride belongs to the intermediate of dyes and pigments, decompose at 222 ° C. The chemical formula is C6H7Cl2N, CAS: 141-85-5.[......]
The chemical formula of 5-Chloro-2-(4-Chlorophenoxy)Aniline is C12H9Cl2NO, CAS number is 121-27-7, it can be stored at room temperature and kept away[......]
5-Chloro-2-Methoxyaniline also called 2-Amino-4-chioroanisole;5-chloro-2-methoxy-benzenamin;C.I.37120(base);C.I.Azoic Diazo Component 10(base);Tulabas[......]
Fast Blue BB is a gray to brown powder or large pieces. CAS number is 120-00-3, the chemical formula is C17H20N2O3. Product Categories: Cytochemistry[......]
3-Amino-4-Methoxybenzamide is a White powder. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in hydrochloric acid. It is mainly used for dyeing and printing of co[......]
Naphthol AS is a rice grain or small red powder, melting point 243 ~ 244 ℃, sensitive to air. It is a yellow liquid in sodium hydroxide solution, inso[......]
4'-Chloro-2',5'-Dimethoxyacetoacetanilide is a Grayish white powder, which can be prepared by condensation of 4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxyaniline with ethyl[......]
The appearance of 2-Amino-6-Methoxybenzothiazole is a fine off white to light tan powder. The chemical formula is C8H8N2OS, CAS number is 1747-60-0, a[......]
4-Iodo-2-Nitroaniline's chemical formula is C6H5IN2O2 and CAS number is 20691-72-9. It is stored in a dark, inert atmosphere and room temperature. Syn[......]
2-Methyl-4-Nitroaniline is a yellow needle or mustard yellow powder with irritation. Its chemical formula is c7h8n2o2 and CAS is 99-52-5. It can be us[......]